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Are you being paid what you are really worth? Do you deserve a salary increase? The chances are that your boss won’t voluntarily shower you with a huge bonus or more than the annual inflation-related raise. To rectify this, you have to make the first move and it requires skill and preparation to effectively negotiate a salary increase. Here are ten tips to get a better than average increase:


  1. Be honest with yourself.  Do you deserve an increase? You need to believe that you have delivered an outstanding and measurable performance within your company that deserves an increase. It helps if your company is doing well and that your boss is aware of your contribution.

  2. Think like the boss.  Clearly determine what standards your employer uses for measuring performance. Focus on the achievements that they value and concentrate your efforts in these areas. These accomplishments will help you achieve a higher than average increase. 

  3. Have a plan. Successful salary negotiation requires clear and focused thinking. Be prepared for any objections and start the discussion by carefully explaining why you feel that you deserve an increase. Present your work accomplishments, especially records of good performance from customers and superiors. You should always keep a journal. Let your actions show that you deserve an increase.

  4. Know the standards for your industry. Do some research to determine what others are earning in your industry and position. Look at recruitment adverts in the newspaper or online. Speak to friends or contacts in the industry at other companies. Be careful though - companies do not enjoy people discussing salaries, but gaining this knowledge is vital in your preparation.

  5. Ensure that you set the correct tone. Avoid ultimatums and threats. Let your employer know that you will understand their point of view, but make it clear that you expect the same courtesy.

  6. Be persuasive. There is a difference between being effectively convincing and annoying and obstinate. Attempt to persuade your employer the benefits of increasing your salary. Try not to argue, but be prepared with strong points on why you deserve this salary.

  7. Aim high, but be realistic. Be reasonable and professional in your approach. Use a win-win partnership style of negotiation. Base your figure on what the market is offering someone of your experience. 

  8. Be objective. Your presentation will be more powerful if based on objective criteria like what other related companies pay to people with similar experience.

  9. Be positive, enthusiastic and confident.  People are sometimes reluctant and nervous to ask for an increase. Your research of the marketplace, coupled with effective preparation should give you the confidence to present your request for a raise. The worst thing that can happen is that your boss will say no, but you will have positively tabled your feelings, and this is valuable for your next meeting.

  10. Be patient. Your boss is probably rewarded for controlling costs and not for awarding better than average increases. You may therefore not succeed with your first attempt, and the negotiations could result in a series of meetings. Be patient, and remember that good increases are achieved with effective strategy and a professional approach.

One of the biggest career mistakes we can make is not negotiating the correct salary at the commencement of a new job at a new company. Once you are the chosen candidate for a job, you have more power than you think. Your negotiation style and strategy will determine whether you gain the maximum starting salary. A company won’t just offer you the highest possible salary. You can pay a long term financial price if you accept a lower starting salary than you or the job deserves. Don’t make this costly mistake.

The concluding step of an effective salary negotiation is to meet with your manager and gain absolute clarity as to what kind of performance will lead to a larger increase or promotion in the future. Agreeing on future performance, expectations and rewards together in advance helps both of you to understand what is expected of you, and simplifies the reward process – it’s all been worked out in advance. It also creates a very favourable impression and helps conclude the negotiation on a positive note.

There is no time like the present to start making your case for a deserved salary increase. Go for it! I wish you every success.



“In business, you don’t get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate”.

 – Chester Karrass

 John Lloyd is a speaker, seminar leader, marketing consultant and columnist. He is a regular speaker at international and local conferences.

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